Lisa’s Story – Chapter 2 – Living Well With Alzheimer’s
Earlier this year, in podcast episode #65, Dr. Nate Bergman spoke with Lisa and her daughters Stacy and Natalie. They discussed how Lisa was Living Well with Alzheimer’s and improving using lifestyle and a personalized approach. Lisa’s cognitive decline had stabilized and small, but significant improvements in brain function were observed.
In this new, Chapter 2 episode, Dr. Bergman gives an update on how Lisa is doing today and reviews some of the elements that have led to Lisa’s success. He also talks about what needs to be done in situations like Lisa’s to truly Live Well with Alzheimer’s.
Listen in and let us know what you think: https://evolvingpast.com/podcast/lisas-story-chap-2-living-well-with-alzheimers/
For more information on how you can prevent or push back against Alzheimer’s and other dementias visit Kemperwellness.com or call (216) 337-1400. We have support programs, virtual classes, and many other options.