Plasma Exchange, Albumin & IVIG for Alzheimer’s – AMBAR Trial Results with Merce Boada, MD, Ph.D.
In this episode of Evolving Past Alzheimer’s, Dr. Nate Bergman talks with an international leader in Alzheimer’s, Mercé Boada Rovira MD, Ph.D. founder and director of the ACE Alzheimer’s Center in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Boada has led and published results of over 100 Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment trials over the many decades of her career.
They discuss the results of the AMBAR trial – The Alzheimer Management by Albumin Replacement – where people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s showed significant improvements after having their blood plasma exchanged in addition to receiving either IV Albumin as well as IVIg (in some of the experimental groups).
The study doesn’t offer an explanation of the mechanisms around why Albumin and IVIg might have been effective, but a robust conversation about the research and the durability of the positive results ensues.
Listen in and let us know what you think: https://evolvingpast.com/podcast/plasma-exchange-albumin-ivig-for-alzheimers-ambar-trial-results-with-merce-boada-md-phd/
For more information on how you can prevent or push back against Alzheimer’s and other dementias visit Kemperwellness.com or call (216) 337-1400. We have support programs, virtual classes, and many other options.